Jan Frieder Milke

Computer Science B.Sc. | frieder.milke rwth-aachen.de

Computer Science B.Sc.
frieder.milke rwth-aachen.de

Visual Computing: Graphics, VR, Vision

Programming: C/C++, Rust, Python, Shader, OpenGL, Vulkan, Unreal Engine


Hi. My name is Frieder and I'm passionate about coding, graphics, boardgames, and coffee.

I like to explore visual problems and finding simple solutions for them. Especially in the field of real-time rendering where each decision has the potential for impacting the whole and creative thinking is a necessity.

I specialized for this during my studies and learned a lot when developing my first simple game engine and doing large-scale data visualization in my thesis. My current employment as a software developer for immersive visualization at the RWTH allowed me to deepen this knowledge using new tools. This includes the development of Unreal Engine-powered applications for VR glasses and immersive CAVE environments, as well as engineering individual solutions, and taking responsibility for partnerships. For future prospects I look forward to deepening my knowledge and skill portfolio in developing visual applications.


BC6H Texture Compressor for Efficient Vector Field Visualization
RWTH Aachen, Paper
A BC6H encoder for 3D/4D vector fields.
Able to read/write different scientific data formats, generate a synthetic dataset and apply a well-known lossy texture compression on vector data.

  C++17 & OpenGL4.5

Combined ASTC Particle Tracer
RWTH Aachen, Bachelor's Thesis
A GPU-Driven particle tracer & ASTC compressor for 3D/4D vector fields.
To study the effect of lossy texture compression on speed and precision in the context of visualization.

  C++17 & OpenGL4.5

Fort Candle
RWTH Aachen, Course Project
A custom game engine running a strategy game.
The project involved constructing a complete game engine including subsystems tailored towards the specific game.

  C++17 & OpenGL4.5

FABulous Space Adventures
RWTH Aachen, Course Project
Spaceship survival game on a custom hardware interface.
Core elements here were the design and manufacturing (lasercutting, 3D printing, electrical components) of an intuitive input experience specifically tailored towards a specific game.

  Python3 & PyGame

